Nikko's Notes

My Four-Month Spring Break

My Four-Month “Spring Break”

A nine-year-old’s perspective on the COVID-19 world pandemic

by Nikko W. Naugle



I never asked for this pandemic. I never asked for isolation, shut down stores, and all this worrying and even fighting that people are doing. I simply don’t like it. I’m just an innocent nine-year-old writer who is living out the pandemic doing school work (every morning), reading (everyday), writing (as much as possible), skateboarding (every chance I get) and computer programming (often). Despite all of the awesome educational resources I have at home, I miss going to school and hanging out with my friends at lunch while challenging each other to see who can eat the most homemade horseradish sauce, playing cone steal in PE (stealing all four cones from the other team...don't get caught!), and sharing class activities such as Flashlight Friday where you bring a flashlight for lights off during silent reading. I can’t enjoy...

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